When I was first pregnant with Liesel, I decided that I wanted to cloth diaper. Every time I went to the Internet to Google what to do and what is best, I was totally overwhelmed with the options and opinions of everyone on the web; cloth diapering is like a whole new language (do YOU know what a fuzzibun is? A tri-fold? A pocket diaper?) So the first while I was just disciphering the diaper code. After I while, I finally settled on the BumGenius and Fuzzibun diapers. I won't go into detail with what they are, but basically the white towel looking things in the picture go into the bright colored water-proof ones. And this is why they're great:
1. It's cheaper. While it cost me $200 initially to get started, I'll easily save that much since diapers are a whopping $20 a week!
2. It's cuter. Hey, why not admit it?
3. They're more natural. I like the idea of fleece (I know it's made from plastic which = not natural) and cloth as opposed to gel beads and whatever disposables are made of.
4. It's eco-groovy. While it uses water, it really isn't a ton and they are mostly air-dried.
5. Knowing me, it adverts the crisis. I'm sure I would end up diaper-less in the middle of the night or something. . . and when in Jackson we'll be 30 minutes from a grocery store.
6. Less blow-out and diaper rash. I've had some serious cases of blow out with disposables, but not really with cloth. . . and over all I think they're better with diaper rash.
7. Last but not least, I'm pretty sure from the look on L's face that she loves having fuzzibuns too.