The procedure was kind of comical since I had a complete anxiety attack when trying to sign the medical waiver and again at the start of the blood patch. High blood pressure, tense muscles, fast breathing, tears and shaking... I was totally freaked out that I was making a wrong choice since medical intervention is what had caused the pain in the first place. I was terrified of permanent damage. The anesthetist did a really good job of addressing my concerns and switched out a member of the team for someone more seasoned at blood draws. I made it through it with Brian's help to help me stay calm, relaxed and to hold up my head and upper body since I had to stay limp to be relaxed and draw sterile blood after the epidural catheter was in. So glad that's over... And I've realized that people have no idea what this is. Someone told Brian today that they had an epidural headache for a few days a a massage really helped... Hmmmm.
Brian finish the sprinkler system and it works awesome!