Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We lucked out. . .

I finished my job working for the River District (Canyonlands) about a week ago. I thought I was going to be insanely bored, but so far I've been the exact opposite! I actually feel really busy. Some of that work (as you'll see below) is probably not the most necessary kind of work, but still. But this post isn't about work-- it's about FUN! And we seriously lucked out with some seriously cool friends in this little town. Last Saturday I hiked to Delicate Arch (photo above-- I edited it to enhance the coolness). I usually hike here once a year and I like doing it late fall/winter because otherwise it's insane.

After the hike and other stuff, Brian and I dressed up as Maternity Ken and Barbie. I found his wig at Wabi-Sabi (thrift store in Moab) and he made the perfect prepster. I cheesed it up in anything pink I could find (including paper).

We went to visit the Gnome Family. Clay and Leslie hosted us and planned a killer Jeopardy game (courtesy of Leslie; female gnome shown below). It was a Hogwarts/Harry Potter theme and we even had Butterbeer (cream soda/butternut flavoring and real whipping cream--sooo delicious). They just had baby Owen (4 weeks old) who will soon be a good buddy of our girl-who-is-still-cookin'.

Skyler and Heidi (aka: Rock Star, Leopard and giraffe). These guys are hilarious and also just had Rylee (8 weeks old). These little guys (including our little one) don't know it yet, but they're pretty much destined to be buds.
And here we have a bowl of eyeballs. This was Brian and my contribution to the party. Oreo/cream cheese insides covered in white chocolate.

Good times!!


sNick said...

I just wanted to share my five year plan with you: Finish up teaching in France, go to grad school, find a teaching job in Moab, celebrate Halloween with the Hays. Bam.

Lindsey said...

Ang! This post CRACKS ME UP! Mostly because it totally looks like you stuffed your dress (that couldn't be real!?) I seriously can't wait to see you. And Brian's hair is out.of.control. He should wear that always. I can just imagine what it'd be like to come across him while he is doing his sheriff stuff in that thing. I would totally stop speeding.

ps. love you TONS!

Mickey said...

Eyeballs. Eew.

Jerry said...

Love it! Never would have guessed that you would voluntarily chose to be Barbie, Angela, but you make a convincing one. I still give the prize to Brian, though. He makes a sweet Ken!! P.S. You eyes are impressive. I didn't know you were the food crafty type ;)

The Gerharts said...

I love it! Now I know what to get your little girl for her first birthday =P

Sarah said...

Oh, I love this. You two (three!) are too awesome.

Catherine said...

HOTT barbies, you, too! I can't believe how well you pulled that off... ok, so I can. Your pic of the arch is amazing, by the way.