Monday, April 16, 2012

climbing these days

Liesel meets Lizard
usually involves a lot of entertaining, herding, lifting and distraction ("Look! What's this?!). This lizard incident had Brian and I laughing so hard. She was fascinated, but completely unable to be gentle. She kept trying to squish his head and despite our attempts at protection, managed to grab him by the tail. Luckily all was well in the end.

 It also involves more babysitting and less climbing. We're talking one climb in about two hours. But still, it's worth it. As long as you can keep the kiddos from running into traffic. . .

Brian teaching L the ropes. Love those chubby little legs in a harness. . . 


Allison said...

Wonder no longer how old Liesel will be when she starts rope climbing. Lucky girl. And what an amazing lizard for not sacrificing it's tail to the Lieselnator. You capture priceless events on a regular basis on this blog. Thanks!

Mary Grace said...

glad you choose not to drop the climbing lifestyle all together. You guys are my FC (family crush)

gc.hatch said...

It doesn't look like Liesel is afraid of anything! I'm not sure I could hold a lizard!

Catherine said...

All I have to say is - she is totally you and Brian's girl. What a brave, spunky kiddo.

Fern said...

That picture of Liesel in the harness is too cute! I can't stand it. I have enough trouble keeping my boys from scaling the furniture, jumping off top bunks, hanging from ceiling fans, etc. She must be such a monkey! :)

Lindsey said...

Love the lizard pics. I second Mary's comment! Family Crush Forev.