Monday, April 2, 2012

conference call

This weekend I . . .
put Liesel in a wig. She cried. I laughed. 

Took Liesel to the park and ran into four friends and their kids and didn't leave until their little faces were bright red from the heat. Kept Liesel from attacking the computer so I could . . .

watch a lot of General Conference and eat an absurd number of root beer floats. Watched a lot more of conference while stuffing myself with cinnamon rolls and nachos at casa de Allred. Remember my last post about food and exercise? This weekend's title is "food and sitting." 

Had our plans to climb be canceled by the rain/snow. But loved the way it made everything look like spring and feel like the mountains (a little Teton preview). 

Stared at the tulips, mowed the lawn, heard Liesel roar when I asked her if she picked a dandelion and said "hello" to B after his week at the Needles. 


Sarah said...

You just made me laugh out loud. In the library. I love the picture with the wig!

The Gerharts said...

Amazing photography. Great job!

Lindsey said...

You just made ME laugh out loud. At my job at the bank. Yes, I'm checking your blog at the bank. That pic of L is hilarrrrrrr'.

I want to watch C with you...