Wednesday, January 16, 2013


sorry for the poor picture quality.  I had .01 seconds before both girls attacked me and wanted to play with the camera. 
Town is a beautiful word. 
It means Liesel gets to play. A lot. And Brian gets to play and I get to talk. The above picture is Rylee's house. The interpretation of "rylee's house" in Liesel's little mind would be: toys
We've been staying at an Inn in town that has hooked us up with a good deal. Good deal or not though, it is still a bit of cash to lay down just to stay in town and we probably won't do it too many more times. 

I've been surprised at how well it's worked out with both kids. We put them down after hanging out and eating with friends [emergency side note: can I tell you how much I love our friends? I love them. I really really do. And I'm not afraid to say it, darn it! People are what life is all about. Thank you. I'll step down now.] and then watch a movie on our mini-dvd player on the king size bed. It feels a little bit like a vacation. A vacation where you whisper all the time, tiptoe around with a head lamp on and drive to the gas station when you gotta go b/c your two-year-old is asleep in her pack-n-play in the bathroom. But still. 
 Last week we woke up and got ready for a day of skiing in the mountains. 
I'm getting better at balancing the girls while trying to change diapers and nurse in a car loaded with junk.  I've only been pooped on twice. 
 This translates to a lot of getting ready for a few hours of skiing, but it was worth it. I decided not to go this week and opted to chill in town since temps have been SOO low lately. 

 And a plug for Chariot: the ski attachment pulls so well. I couldn't believe it. It didn't feel like a slog at all. However, the downhill was a little terrifying since the poles don't bend with your turns and the weight of the girls really propels you. With that said, both girls slept through 1/2 of the ascent and nearly the whole decent. 

1 comment:

Gary said...

Is it just me, or do Liesel's pigtails look longer? Angela, you're amazing! Pulling two children on skis!! (and with a smile no less!)