Monday, March 4, 2013

my leesie boo

They change. So fast. These photos were taken on our one day out during Liesel's week of sickness. I spent two days traveling (flight Houston. flight to Albuquerque- or Albaturkey. spend the night with my aunt and uncle. wake up at 4:30 am. drive for 4.5 hrs. go to church. drive another 3 hrs. home.) and the very next morning after eating her breakfast, before I even had time to remove the bib (thank goodness) it all ended up right back on her tray. For the next three days we couldn't keep anything in her but a teaspoon of gatorade very 10 mins. She was a begging for food and water and I couldn't refuse her-- it was so sad! I ended up changing her clothes 12 times that day and the washer was running constantly. Anyway, after three days of nothing, she finally woke up and kept down some applesauce. 

The next day we ventured out (honestly, it was more for me-- I was a madwoman by the end of that week) to Dugout Ranch. It's sort of our place to go when we need to go. Actually, that would be the park visitor center but I didn't want L to get anyone sick. So we chatted with the horses and dogs. And then she cried and I realized she wasn't as feeling good as I thought she was and we went home. 

and it turns out that her crabby-i-don't-want-to-do-anything-but-cry-all-the-time was only due to her not feeling good (but it lasted a whole 6 days!) and not her new personality. 

In fact, she has been an absolute joy. For real. I think every day last week I thought to myself: wow. this is why being a mom is so awesome.

And she has started calling me "mom" -- and it kills me every time. She doesn't know it yet, but I literally can not say no when she asks, "mom- read me deez books!"

My VT brought me this cake for my birthday and since L (and every child) is obsessed with birthdays, I went ahead and put candles in it for a mini-birthday. 

I'm going to start writing down the funny things she says, but the only one I can remember right now is when she pointed to a camel and said, "der are two very very big nursing buttons." She has started to learn to be funny and will add her own words to songs to make us laugh, like "old mcdonald had a mommy EIEIO!" And the other night she put her hand in her sleeve and said, "where'd your hand go??!" And wanted us to look for it. She thought that was hysterical. 

Tonight in the bath I called hannah my "hannah banana boo" and she immediately looked at me and said "my leesie leesie boo!" 

yes. its true. I have two little boo boos these days. 

and yes. these are things only i care about and they will to someday. That's what this blog is about. 


Lindsey said...

Sooo adorable. Love the overalls and love Leesie boo. Never thought I said this, but those overalls are cute on you Ang! ;)

sNick said...

Old McDonald really lends itself to that. My little niece laughs her head off every time she or I change the words.

Mary Grace said...

LOVING the carhart twinners :) and xtra tuffs- man you guys belong in alaska! :)

gc.hatch said...

Angela, this is such a sweet post! Yes, it's so CUTE when they start to really talk and say funny things and call you "mom". I'm so happy she is finally feeling better and that it didn't turn out to be something too bad. That's so fun that she is starting to develop a little sense of humor! I'm glad you are sharing some of the funny things she says! Her comment about the camel is hilarious!

Allison said...

Cute hair, Angela!

The Gerharts said...

I loved reading your thoughts on the girls! They are so adorable. I love L in the fairy dress! Love the Carharts and the horses, desert, and dessert! I love that L is calling you "mom" and saying funny things. LOL re; camel!

Laura Anderson said...

Love the carhartts. And you cut your hair! (Or maybe that happened awhile ago. I'm behind on the blog world.) It looks great.

Laura Anderson said...
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