Monday, April 1, 2013


the kids eagerly await for the papas to hide the eggs. Frequent glances. A few premature dashes. Buckets, bags, party pails empty-- but in hand. 
A photo of our group of kiddos is long overdue. 

 And a group photo of the mamas is even more overdue. These are the book club gals. And while I helped initiate the monthly tradition, living an hour and half away has made it all but impossible to attend (although I miraculously made it to one)! A few are MIA. 
1. . .2. . .3 . . .go!
here I was poised in the field, eagerly awaiting my little Leesie in full run. Camera ready. But if you look closely in the photo on the left (above) you can see her happily running in the opposite direction. She made it at least 30 yards before Brian caught up to her. If you can't see it, I took the pleasure of blowing it up for you: 

Definitely more interested in seeing what was in every egg as she found it. It took so much convincing to get her to keep searching. I probably wouldn't have worried about it except I wanted part in the loot too, dangit! 

Cute. L's outfit is a little 1980s throwback-- she was wearing something a little more easter-appropriate until she fell into Millcreek earlier in the day (and I mean completely fell in). 


Allison said...

What a very cute group of subjects. Last picture you caught Liesel's look perfectly.

Emily said...

Love this! I love that Liesel ran in the wrong direction, totally didn't get the urgency of searching quickly for loot, and then spied over her shoulder to see what her friend got. I love little L! What a cutie!

gc.hatch said...

How fun! I don't think next year Liesel will run the wrong direction!