Monday, May 27, 2013

seven months

A personality explosion this month! (btw: you can't write a sentence with explosion and not end it in an exclamation point! see?)

hannah is ________.

It has been months now and I still can't put her down for a nap without her screaming. There is no such thing as drifting off to sleep with the exception of her last nurse at the end of the day (6:30 or 7pm). She's almost always the first person up in the house. She does NOT like me to put a pacifier in her mouth and with throw her strong arms up and down to get my hand out of her face. She's strong. Her expressions and faces crack me up every day. I think she already thinks she's too cool for me and will sometimes give me these grown up looks like, "mom . . . please." She loves sucking on her bottom lip and pursing her lips while breathing through her nose (my personal favorite). 

She has started to cry when I take something away that she wants. She is constantly bossed around by her older sister. In fact, Liesel will put something that she doesn't want her to play with within her reach just so she can scold her-- like her own hair. I hear, NO Hannah, Noooo! about 1,000x a day. But I also hear, Where's Hannah? What's Hannah doin' and an enthusiastic Hannah's awake! when she wakes up from a nap. L loves to feed hannah her "squished up banana food". Speaking of food-- Hannah knows that when she's in her red chair, she gets food and she goes NUTS! She demands food by squealing, crying or fussing. I dread mealtimes because they are a constant stream of demands and fussing (from both girls).  Her favorite foods so far are: lentil/sweet potato/oliveoil/pea/water puree and an oatmeal/banana/applesauce/water puree. She didn't really like my butternut squash soup or puffs.

She's become much more active these days and I think crawling is on the horizon. 

I love getting to know my little Hannah. It's amazing that this big spirit is in this little body and I get to watch day by day as she shows me more and more of who she is. 


Jerry said...

I adore this child's facial expressions. How do you ever take your eyes off of her? It seems you would miss something if you did. What a doll! I can't wait to finally meet her! (And can I just add that mealtimes are always just as you described at your house. Loud, constant, fussing. You'll fit right in when you visit)

Allison said...

Aw. Too cute. I loved all the details about Hannah. Wow, seven months old.

gc.hatch said...

What an adorable little face! I can't believe her expressions! Is it bad to say I think that one of her crying is really cute?! And those blue eyes. . . .!!