Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Brian worked on the sprinkler all day yesterday and today. Then he helped clay for a few hours after wolfing down some tuna loaf. He came home, took one look in our fridge and said, "I'm going to Wendy's." About a year ago I read outloud on a road trip to CA the book, "a Day no Pigs Would Die"-- the climax of the book is when the boy has to shoot his pet/best friend pig so the family has food for the winter. I was bawling while reading it, and the dad tells the son that being a man means doing things that are hard but that have to be done. Brian mentioned this today and it's kind of true. Adulthood requires quite a lot of sacrifice.
Here is a photo of Brian digging beneath the sidewalk with a kitchen spoon (shovel was too big and hit the house) because the builders didn't put a PVC tube under the concrete... Kids are "helping" ... Two days till due date!


Catherine said...

I love L's face in this photo! Way to go, Brian, on fixing up the place!
ps: I miss tuna loaf so bad!!

Lindsey said...

Ha ha ha this is so great, a picture to go down in history!


gc.hatch said...

Now that is true dedication! or maybe "do whatever to get the job done"! Looks like Brian has a bit of "help"!