Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Vitamin Spring

Lots of good things lately. My dad arrived Tuesday. My girls are obsessed with grandpa. In fact, when my mom showed up last week the first thing Hannah said was, "where's grandpa?" He is so naturally curious and unhurried that children love him. Went on the river yesterday. Felicity was 12 days old and I am feeling guilty about the decision. Everything went fine, but I still feel funny about it. She is very chill. Almost oddly chill.


Sarah said...

Those Carhartts tho! Great pics

The Gerharts said...

What a fun visit with mom and dad! So pretty in Moab in the spring...glad that you have a chill baby number 3 =) Don't worry, she won't stay that way lol!

gc.hatch said...

What a great reminder of what a great time we had with your family!
So glad that Dad got to join us for a week!