and that was only because it wasn't the Grand. The summit is AMAZING! It's name comes from the early climbers who thought it was a way up the Grand, but upon arriving at the summit saw the 2000ft drop that is invisible from the valley floor.
Brian and I hiked (there were only like two spots where I could use the word "climb" instead of hike) it yesterday with Mary and Brad. The picture above is of us at Ampitheater Lake after gaining 3,000ft and having 2,000ft left to go. Brian is using a Steri-pen (an ultra light water purification stick that uses ultraviolet rays to clean the water). B jumped in on our way back down, but can't say I joined him.

Mary and Brad hiking up. You can see the valley floor way down below. Everything in the Tetons is so darn steep!

B-rad hiking past NezPerce.

Me on the summit. It was an amazing view! The middle is to my left (you can't see it) and the Grand is on the right (Teepe pillar is the smaller rock formation right behind me).

Brian eating his tuna on top-- Middle Teton behind him.

Mary's summit shot. It was cool to see the Lower Saddle (right behind her b/t Grand and Middle) where Brian was last week (and will be again for three days this week). I could see barely see thier little hut set up and people hiking to the top.
As for other news, we're officially heading back to Moab come mid or end of September. AND, we're actually living in TOWN and in a house (although we'll be at Arches until mid November). Brian will be working at Arches and I'll be monsterous. Speaking of which, our little girl is so active! I can see her kicking through my clothes even.