While waiting for friends to show up for bouldering today I snapped these pictures of Liesel. She looks so adorable in the beanie and fleece vest from Mary and Brad!

Brian's back to work and play; he was out climbing at Indian Creek all day today (jealous me). Last week he climbed Zenyata Entrada (tower of Babel) in Arches (not jealous me). Meanwhile, my awesome friends Mary, Brad and Jo all came down to chill with me and Liese. Believe it or not, I miss the Island in the Sky. I've been desperate to get back up there with its sweeping landscapes and beautiful sunsets. So we all loaded up and made the trip up there. Unfortunately it was cloudy-- but I still love this little spot (False Kiva; above and below).

I took out the Chariot (bike/jogger stroller) for it's maiden voyage. I've decided that mountain biking isn't for babies. Not even mellow cruiser rides (and when I say cruiser, I mean Mary was riding a beach cruiser). Don't you love how I'm totally decked out in bike gear and everyone else is in jeans? Ummm. . . I guess this is about as hardcore as I get these days.