I'm not sure how many people believe in Christ. There is no denying his existence. Jesus Christ was born on the earth. He lived, walked, talked, taught performed miracles and healed. But who was he? Some say he was a prophet. Some say he was just a man. Some say he was the Messiah. Some choose to ignore the question all together. Some don't care.
But I do. I care who he was and I care about what he did. I believe his birth, though humble was miraculous. I believe that he is God's son. He taught us to love one another. To serve each other. To keep the commandments. He taught us to follow Him and find eternal life.
There were people-- actual people like you and me-- walking and talking with Christ. Witnessing his miracles. They heard his sermons. They ate the bread and fish and gathered the overflowing baskets. They watched their children be healed. They felt His love. They watched the wind and sea obey Him. They watched him suffer in Gethsemene and carried his lifeless body to the tomb. These same witnesses touched his hands and feet, saw his face, heard his voice and watched him eat-- as a resurrected being. They wanted us to know what they saw, but more importantly what they felt. . . "did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"
These men and women told others about what they had seen. They wrote their testimonies down in sacred books called scriptures. I have read their witness and I believe them. It has made all the difference in my life. My efforts at being a sister, a wife, a mother, a friend, a citizen and a neighbor are imperfect at best. I make mistakes, I fail. But Christ can make up for where I lack. Through Him, I can produce good fruit. I can create something beautiful-- even a masterpiece of my life. My mistakes, my sins, my failures tough they be as scarlet, shall be made white as snow. Through Him, I can become a being worthy to live with my Father in Heaven and my brother and Savior, Jesus Christ again. I want that. I want to live with my family, forever, in the presence of God. . . because I have felt, if even for fleeting moments, what that must feel like. And it feels like Heaven.
I add my witness to the millions of others who have believed or do believe in Christ. He is my brother, my Savior and my King. Every good thing I have been given and every good thing I have been able to produce, has come from Him. From tears shed in compassion for a friend's suffering to the sweet hugs of my daughters. From my marriage to Brian to the thrill of standing on a mountain summit. From the strength and comfort I have felt during trials to rhythm of my beating heart as a I run down the slickrock.
I believe in Christ. So come what may.
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I read in a news article on Easter that about 30% of the world is Christian. Wow. That's a lot. Loved your testimony of Christ, and the family Easter photos.
What a beautiful testimony!
Reading it strengthened my testimony so thank you for sharing it and living it!
Beautiful Easter photos of the family and children!
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