Fueling up in the bus on our way to the Kiabab trailhead. The driver had to make a PSA twice to remind me no eating or drinking on the bus. |
Starting our descent! |
Can you spy Lindsey hiking down? |
Spotting the Colorado on way down and then again the way up. The drop-offs off the trail were kinda insane. Good thing it was as big as a sidewalk! |
Hannah just asked if that was Aunt Lin-zee and then laughed. :) |
Making our dinner-- they had full on picnic tables, amo cans, water pumps, bathrooms with pit toilets etc down at the Bright Angel Campground where we camped. This park is so massive, I kind of like how they have infrastructure in a few places. |
Hiking out the next morning. |
Crossing the Colorado on the old suspension bridge. Notice Lindsey's many hair styles. Side pony, fishtail braids, high pony, high bun, hair down with beanie. . . :) girl, you know I'm joking. |
Hiking out by the creek |
I got a few odd looks hiking out, but I am totally confident that our pace and the pack were totally fine baby-wise |
Speaking of babies-- me and my two sweeties at the top. I realized that the GC is not a good place for toddlers. I was terrified someone was going to fall off. |
Lindsey was coming down. Brian was at the Grand Canyon for two-week Fundamentals (a course for permanent NPS employees). He was hiking down with Skyler for the long weekend and hiking out in time for church on Sunday. On Lindsey's drive down, I asked if she would want to go backpacking. She didn't think she could make it work, but on Saturday we decided that it could work and prepared for our trek down to the GC.
The hike was a much needed escape from the groundhog day that is life with little ones. It felt good to talk, laugh and spend 24 hours (almost to the minute) with an adult. . . and not just any adult, but Lindsey. It was really really great.
When we hiked out at 3:30pm the next day, Brian had the car packed and the girls ready for the drive home. When I asked the girls how it went with daddy, they gave me the most hilarious report. I could not stop laughing:
"So did you have fun with daddy?"
"well-- we went to a party [which was a potluck] and we were being really crazy. And we wouldn't talk to anyone [his friends in the Fundamentals course] and we kept stealing food and Hannah grabbed a bag of chips off the table and dumped the whole thing on the floor."
"So then what happened?"
"we went to daddy's house and he put his head down on the table and said we could watch Frozen on his bed. When we woke up it was good. He made french toast and we went to three different parks. And another party and we did talk to people."
Bah ha ha!
Lindsey and I drove home right after hiking out. The girls must have drank a liter a piece, because there were 1,000 stops on the drive home. And in true Liesel style, she didn't fall asleep until 10 minutes before we got home (of the 6 hours we drove).
Life with kids.
PS: the Grand Canyon is a terrifying place with toddlers. Just FYI.