Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I turned 26 years old on Sunday-thanks to everyone for calls, emails, and presents! 25 was an exciting year, I got married, graduated college, finished my ranger training program, and became an EMT. I moved from Alaska to Provo to Flagstaff to Moab. I worked BYU Grounds Crew, Construction, and Park Service. I swam a mile for the first time, climbed Prodigal Son, Kor-Ingalls on Castleton Tower, Jah Man, Fine Jade, Moses, and the Great White Icicle. I hiked Buckskin Gulch, Quandary Canyon, Mt. Peale and Mt. Tukunikavatz. Most importantly though, I got to spend the whole year with Angela - she's been the center and joy of it all.

I'm sitting in the Moab Library on my day off figuring out what Angela and I are going to do for the winter. Alaska, South America, the Tetons, something else....? Its still 1 or 2 more seasons until I can get a permanent job so the Hays' will have to keep moving for now.

Its a beautiful day here; warm, breezy, puffy white clouds against a blue sky and red rocks, green trees. I don't want to leave Moab!

Come visit while you can - we're only here till the end of November.

1 comment:

William Cobb said...

ooh! I want to visit! and I CAN! Labor Day weekend? Lemme know.