Brian's family (Allison, Sarah and Matt) along with Lindsey (my sis) all came down for Thanksgiving! We were joined by Pete and Jacqueline (Brian's friend from Grand Canyon and his wife). We hiked in the Fiery Furnace in Arches, hiked the Lathrop trail in Canyonlands, made a KILLER thanksgiving dinner, read Lincoln's thanksgiving address, cut down a Christmas tree in the mountains, played games, sang, and played Ninja Destruction (you have to ask B about that. It's his new favorite game). I LOVE FAMILY!! What would the holidays be without them?
Matt-- is brian's younger Brother. Believes life is an experiment, reminds me a lot of my Dad for those of you who know him. For example, Matt makes his own yogurt, deodorant and sprouts. He is currently testing the freezing threshold of flowering peas at his BYU apartment. Matt is also like Indiana Jones-- teaching us how to fight Ninjas (in the game Ninja Destruction), hunt down the perfect Christmas tree and find every good deal known to man. There is much more to Matt. He's still available and at BYU for all you ladies.
This is Brian's Mom, Allison. She never fails to bring us the best food, all the things we forgot to buy or don't have (including a keyboard and folder of Christmas music this year) only because she "understands our Spartan lifestyle" being an Park Service mom for so many years. Doesn't mind following her crazy sons and daughters up mountains and through narrow canyons. Plus, what a bonus for me that my mother-in-law doesn't mind having thanksgiving in a shed?
Sarah is Brian's younger sister; freshman at BYU this year and has the biggest "lexicon" of any 18 year old I know (who uses the word "nonsequiter" in a sentence)? Amazing. She is just as outdoorsy as her bros, but unlike them can bake the meanest apple pie in all of ISKY (and the surrounding 5 counties of course). Speaks German, sings beautiful and boosts the moral (and self-esteem) of any group by always laughing at their jokes and winning the "most happy camper" (yes, staying at our house is basically camping) award.

$3 dollar award to anyone who can accurately guess the shadow line-up below:
Lindsey is my younger sister; also known as Deaner (which Sarah informed me also means "servant" in German. . .how fitting). Lindsey comes to visit me to borrow my clothes and compliment my wife skills. Lindsey thinks she's Asian (as seen in the photo below) and frequently says "Nee-how" to inanimate objects. She is always making us laugh and adds to every group she's in.

Everyone in front of our thanksgiving shed:

This is not a photoshoped picture. Just a strategically placed chock stone in the Fiery Furnace.