Monday, February 9, 2009

The most optimistic person I know.

Nicki Preece came to visit at the end of this week. It was pretty much the best birthday present ever. I took a Wilderness First Responder course this entire week and found out that our mutual friend (Emma-- blond and also with us) was also taking the WFR course. I texted Nicki with an invite and we had an awesome weekend. Nothing gets this girl down. She's the biggest upper I know and so fun to have around. We talked (a lot), played games, painted, hiked, ate and laughed. . .


sNick said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! How was the fruit pizza? Thank you SO, SO, SO much for this weekend. It was just what I needed. I just love you! Just ask my mom. I tell her all the time what a cool kid I think you are.


PS That picture of you looking down at Emma is sweet. I'm quite the photographer ;)
PPS You've obviously never seen me really ticked. I start foaming at the mouth. Haha. Just messin' with you. Long live optimism!

Catherine said...

Happy birfday again, sis! I hope your steak, salad and fruit pizza dinner was spendidly delicious. Love you!!!

tolman said...

it looks like you two are still having fun, good for you two