The first big snow of the year. |
I organized a primary activity to sing Christmas carols in the nursing home. It was fun to see the kids sing and I think it was a good service opportunity for them-- but in all honesty, Dee (who used to be in 2nd ward before she got too sick) was the only one who really seemed to enjoy it. :) The rest had this look on their face like, "hurry up so I can get back to watching QVC." |
Liesel in her tumbling class. She's in the back behind the girls.. her teacher just told me she's not shy anymore and is doing great. I think she likes being with the older girls. |
Felicity's first Christmas. |
Christmas Eve Party. Dressing up as the nativity with the Allison, Sarah and the Allreds. |
Christmas morning breakfast |
Christmas morning afteramath |
Hiking up Negro Bill Canyon on Christmas day. |
Family shot! |
Ryan and Kiyomi's house! I was amazed at their kids. They are teenagers and they were playing with my kids! I seriously loved seeing their family. The whole vibe is so cool, they are so much fun and I was so happy we could see them. |
At the beach with the Hatch Family! |
Hello Disneyland! And 80,000 other tourists! |
The next day at Disneyland. Liesel (who is sick) getting ready to ride Thunder Mountain again. |
Hannah and grandpa kept saying it was a "thumbs up day!" |
One small piece of a ridiculously extravagant parade. But they didn't throw candy, so it had nothing on the Moab parades. :) |
Brian stayed with his Dad and his brother Matt to play at Disneyland while I took the kids back to the hotel around 6:30. All day L had been saying she was sick. I knew it was serious when she said she didn't want her ice cream cone. At 9:30 Brian texted me a picture of all of them on Splash Mountain and I had just pulled Liesel off of her bed covered in throw up. I couldn't resist the humor of texting him back the current crime scene. My favorite part is Hannah sleeping peacefully next to it. |
The next day in San Diego. L was feeling much better at this point. |
Feeding the seagulls at Coronado Island. |
One of my favorite nights of the trip. We drove all day from San Diego to Las Vegas back to Allison's apartment. Sarah had all the trimmings for personal pan pizza's and we each picked out a treat from the store. Hannah picked a candy bar, Liesel picked Smartfood popcorn, I picked Clausen pickles and B picked Kiefer. We ate lots of yummy food, played a New Year's game where we reviewed our favorite memories from 2015 by choosing color coded pegs, watched the new Mission Impossible and spent time with Allison and Sarah, which I always love to do. |
Little did we know this pizza would make a second appearance at about 2am. Both hannah and Felicity threw up all night long and on the long drive home. I was able to get in a run before it hit me, but it was not a fun sickness. Hannah keeps telling the story, "remember when I was at gram-ya's house and I threw up?" |
All I can say is, home looks pretty darn good after a week on the road with sick kids.
And might I add we didn't unpack the car for three days.
And when we did, we discovered a pool of frozen throw-up in the base of F's carseat.
All I can say is, home looks pretty darn good after a week on the road with sick kids.
A memorable trip! Loved having you! Great shot of Brian and Pink Footied Felicity at the beach.
Yuck! That sounds horrible - traveling with sick kids for hours on end! But the part about seeing family and making personal pan pizzas sounds wonderful. Glad there was some good mixed in with the miserable!
It looks like a super fun holiday with fun family time intermingled with the nastiest throw-up I have ever seen! You weren't kidding about L being covered in throw-up with a stain on the bed like that one. Glad you made it home safe!
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