Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I read Liesel "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" while she was sick this weekend. I really loved it.

Made the kids pancakes for dinner to lighten the mood. The beans and rice for lunch followed by the lecture that 2/3rds of the world's children were probably eating that same thing was a little heavy handed for pre-K kids. So pancakes saved the day. And let me tell you, they CHOWED. And they put on all of their own toppings and made a giant mess and had a great time.

Ignored/turned off/ purposely left my phone today. I felt so sick of it. And then I paid for it because Brian thought I was being attacked or something. Sometimes I don't want my attention to be divided more than three times.

Spent hours organizing and cleaning our closet upstairs. Something I've wanted to do for about a year. But I didn't finish and now I have a bigger mess than before I started.

I should be editing a wedding right now. Thinking about outsourcing all of my post-processing. It feels scary to let go of my control over my images, but I want to look into it.

The high school puts on a community Off Broadway production. I've wanted to be in it for a few years but was always nursing or too pregnant. This year I spent two weeks trying to convince people to do it with me and the last 4 weeks practicing. I've really enjoyed it. It's nice to do something that I want to do every once in a while. Even if it does add stress.

Felicity unrolled an entire roll of tp this afternoon. She also ate something out of the trash (?!). She really liked feeling like a big kid while playing with play dough today with the girls. I think she's transitioning out of 2 naps and I haven't figured out when to put her down yet.

Life feels different with Brian gone. The kids seem so cranky. I feel like the un-fun parent. I miss having someone to talk to and to talk things out with. I miss looking forward to seeing him each day. He was voted one of the three corporals in class by his peers.

Hannah finally returned to normal yesterday after 8 days of sickness. It was so nice to have her back. She's so animated and I missed her energy.

1 comment:

Allison said...

You are a great mom...reading Liesel that novel and having a pancake dinner extravaganza. And wow--Felicity is just one of the girls sitting at the playdough table now!