Liesel is a big girl now. It blows me away as I watch her interact with her friends. Someone came up to me and said, "That one is a leader right there." To which I thought, "if by leader you mean she bosses everyone and everything, that would be correct." haha... not but really, she loves to be the boss. I have been trying to teach her to let Hannah and her friends choose what they will say and do during a game. She does seem to have this element of adventure to her personality that is charismatic, but she is a self-proclaimed shy girl around new people.
She has been working so hard at learning to read and has made incredible strides lately. She sounds out words very well and actually enjoys her reading lessons. Today I wasn't planning on doing one since it was Sunday, but she opened her book and did it herself for fun. She loves reading the simple two-sentence stories with the cartoon below. She will sometimes run up to me with a word she's figured out how to sound out. I'm not going to lie, teaching her this life skill has been so rewarding for me.
Liesel loves to jump on the trampoline. She will beg me and Brian to go outside with her and jump all the time. We usually do. Last week Owen and Henley came over and they played on the trampoline for about two hours. Her friend Henley spent the night on Friday night because our friends Holly and David are moving and their whole house was packed. Liesel and Hannah loved it so much and stayed up for forever giggling.
She rides a two wheeler like a champ now. She and Owen were so far ahead of us at one point on the mountain bike ride that I was worried. We went bouldering this week and she completely disregarded me when I told her to wait her turn to climb the boulder since I was spotting another child. She climbed right past me. Ugh.
About a week ago I decided to head up to ISKY before Brian heads to FLETC so the kids could see where he works and we could say hello. We climbed whale rock and as we were eating our lunch on top of the rock, Liesel spit something hard in her hand. She realized it was her tooth and got so excited. She was on cloud 9 the rest of the day, smiling at passing hikers with her bottom jaw pushed out so they would notice her new gap. She killed the tooth pretending to be an animal while eating popcorn at preschool about a month ago and we'd been waiting for it to fall out ever since.
Liesel has a remarkable memory. I'm always surprised at the events and things she remembers. She has been very diligent in praying for uncle Kevin. She asked a lot of questions about cancer.
I love this girl.

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