Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Murphy's Law

Please tell me why every time I really really really want to do something after work that Brian gets a call five minutes before we get off because a waterfall of rocks bashed someone's windshield? Or why the day we're both off early he suddenly has a training and gets off late? Or why the one day when he's off early it's my one day working late? Someone please set the universe straight. Murphy is too much of a pessimist to be right.

Despite the universe being off (and our ecomomy for that matter), I've still managed to enjoy the passing days. Yesterday I biked Gemini Bridges with Sophie, Bry picked us up and then we ate dinner with a group of people, played scrabble and hearts and ate organic brownies.

What's up next? Bry and I are taking a vacation. This Thursday, Fri, Sat, Sun Mon we're going to St. George/Zion. I am a happy camper. . . let me tell you. This means we get to go to the temple, watch conference and go to Pete and Jacqueline's wedding (which I am very excited about), see Brian's family (hoorah!) and Le Miserable at the outdoor theater and do Kolob Canyon in Zion on Monday. Murphy is most certainly not coming with us on this one.


Alvin said...

Cool...your vacation sounds awesome. A perfect mix of classy culture and rugged adventure...that's the Brian I know. Anyway hope you guys have fun. I'm stuck here alone in Oklahoma for a week. It's not too bad though but its surely not Zion!

Alvin said...

p.s. hey Brian thanks for supporting the long hair cause!

Laura Anderson said...

Organic brownies would cheer me up, too.

Catherine said...

Organic brownies??? What does that MEAN?

I missed our Sunday chat today...call me, chica!