". . . If there was anyone in the entire universe that I wanted to walk hand in hand with during my life, it was Brian Robert Hays; the man looking into my eyes right now with that adorable grin of his. We could create a Celestial family; I knew that.
The sealer began to speak and I concentrated hard on the words he was speaking. Tears began to well up in my eyes. I could hardly believe I was across from Brian. I had felt God’s Almightly hand in our relationship for the past year. I had felt him stregthen me. I knew that if there was any sure foundation to build upon, it was this. Yes, it was rocky getting here; It was hard and difficult, teary and stressful, but we made it through together because Heavenly Father had helped us. He did not abandon us, nor would he ever. The tears were flowing now. Catherine, Emily, Sarah, Kevin, Mom and Dad were all looking at me with glazed eyes or streams of tears. The sealer asked Brian
the question and I hardly had time to wonder if he was going to say no and run, he said “yes” firmly and without question, turned his head and smiled at me. I’m sure I beamed. The hardest part was over. He was in.
The sealer began directing his words to me now. I concentrated hard. I listened to the most amazing promises I had ever received. If there was a perfect way to start a marriage, this was it. It wouldn’t just be Brian and I, we would have divine help and knowledge given to us; we weren’t going to do this alone. The sealer then asked me and waited for my response. I looked at Brian and then at my family behind him and for a moment everything I had experienced with him up to this point came flooding back to me. I gathered my courage and was about to say “yes”—but waited just moment longer, just long enough for everyone to grab the edge of their beautiful chairs and wonder if I was going to go through with it. Then I said, “yes” with all of the determination and firmness that could possibly go into a three letter-one sylable word. And it was done.
We were married. Brian Robert Hays and Angela Marie. . . uh, Hays, I suppose. I swallowed hard and let the tears fall freely (embarrassed at my vain concern that my mascarra would smear). I felt odd. All of that emotional stress, the months of tension, the sleepless nights, the gallons of tears, the wonder, the worry the concern and then—poof-- it vanishes with one simple word backed with a thousand feelings. Brian was now my. .. er, husband. We stood hand in hand (in what felt like a vice grip), and exchanged rings. I looked at him, laughed slightly and said in a half whisper, “Brian, we’re married!” He laughed and said between a brilliantly happy smile, “I know!”
Happy Anniversary Brian. Thanks to you I'm the happiest and luckiest girl in the world.
(This exerpt was taken from a 64 page account of our relationship that I worked on in the Entrance Station all summer (each week on Tuesday from 1-5) in between collecting fees and handing out maps).