Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The new awesome by popular vote. . .

Obama is the new pink. I never knew an opinion could feel so unfassionable, but lately I'm reliving that day I showed up in 2nd grade wearing Stephanie Lilly's clothes mom bought me at Goodwill. The whole second grade stared after the embarrassing declaration was made. Apparently I've found some hand-me-down opinions, morals and ideas and can't say the trend caught on. The only difference is that I'm the one making the declaration (but don't worry, the stares are the same).


William Cobb said...

I believe Barack Obama won because of who he is. I am exited for his Presidential Career. Did you watch his speech? I thought it was one of the best any President could have given. I know not everybody agrees on all issues he talks about, but I really do believe he's the right man for the job, because of the way he motivates the people and the more peaceful approach to success that he represents.

sNick said...

I have a million things to say about Barack Obama, and they all have run along the same theme you wrote about in your blog. When, in this nation found on the idea that it is 'in God we trust' forget where her power came from? I feel like this is the root of everything that happened this election. It's a new kind of enlightenment, realizing that we're fine with out the values we've espoused all these years. It's a weird, weird feeling. I admire Obama's optimism and ability to unite, but we've got so caught up on his coolness that we turned our ears off to the message behind the words. When are you heading north? I still feel like scum for bailing on you and I've been trying to figure out how to make it up to you ever since.

ek said...

not that it really relates to the point you were trying to make in this blog, but i never knew of the "stephanie lilly incident of the second grade". heh i like the blog, and i like what you have to say, especially about faith.