Sunday, March 22, 2009

Brian laughed. . .

when I told him my quilt was inspired by antique books and country kitchens...but here is my work in progress. The back is blue and white striped flanel and I really like it.


Leslie said...

I think it's beautiful, and I'm impressed with your skills.

sNick said...

You are the epitome of cool. :) When are you leaving for Colorado? I want to hang out again some time!

sNick said...

Wait, when was that trip to Yosemite again?

Clay Allred said...

that's fantastic!

sNick said...

Wow, I didn't realize that you were going to be there for so long. Hmm...I'd really like to come backpack with you for a few days... it's to bad that there isn't an airport a bit closer. I'm going to look into it. Did you get your capo?

Jerry said...

Your quilt looks wonderful, Angela! That's going to be one of those heirlooms that your kids will fight over in years to come - the quilt mom made early in her marriage while you guys moved from place to place. How neat!