Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Why do people go to BYU and then talk incessantly about how lame Provo is and how they "don't fit in at BYU" blah blah blah. I really don't get it. Why is it trendy to not like it while your there? Why not go to the U, or USU or wherever. . . but don't be cool by hating it.

Why do I get on Facebook and scan through photos and see that people only take photos of one half of their face? I mean, don't they realize that everyone can see both sides of their face every day, or do they walk around and face people with the "good half" only? And why do I have to notice?

Why does it seem that so many people start to loose it? Why do they let things slide? Why wear a bikini all over the place when you've been through the temple? Or when you have For the Strength of the Youth? Why ignore what you know? Why watch movies that are less than good? Why do things on Sunday that we know we shouldn't? Why use poor language? Why give up?

Why do people end their life? What pushes them to that? Why would someone jump 600ft off a cliff? Why do they look like a movie? Why do I know they look like a movie? Why do we compartmentalize our feelings and not cry? Why do I see that blue addidas sweatshirt still in my mind?

Why do I get joy out of eating everything in my house before I move?

Why did I get so lucky in love? Why did I get to marry the very thing I always wanted? Why do I get paid to hike outside and see the yellow aspens fall on the path while I walk? Why do I get to bundle up on the summit with the wind in my face?

Why are the honey bees dying? What will Peanut Butter do without honey? What will I do?

Why do I feel that we and me don't live up to our potential? Why, when we have so much to offer, do we stop ourselves? Why do I feel afraid to say the truth? Why shy away from an opportunity to teach truth? Why do I feel alone when I see people make a wrong choice?

And why do I care?


sNick said...

Haha, suicide, morality, divine potential, and PEANUT BUTTER? Only you, Ang, only you.

I actually really appreciated this post, because it made me realize that we have choices. Almost all of the things (with maybe the exception of the honey bees dying) could all be different if we would just choose for them to be different. Maybe if we just loved each other a little more, cared a little more, lifted a little more, chose to be good a little more.

I remembered, upon my return, that I do have a few like-minded friends around, and we're hiking Timp this Friday night. One of the greatest lessons you always teach me is to be pro-active. Thanks, Ang. I sure do love you!

Jerry said...

Those questions could take an eternity to answer... But they are thoughtprovoking. The one about the bikini-wearing temple-goer was a question that I literally asked Jerry yesterday. Doesn't make a lick of sense to me. And the suicide is just sad - sad to live a life so entirely devoid of hope that it isn't worth living. I'm hoping your next post will have the answers to some of those questions...