Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Miracle.

 Last Christmas I felt like I had missed the mark on centering the season on Christ. I had no nativity and vowed that I would ask for that this year as my gift. When my mom asked for our Christmas lists in September (ok, maybe she waited until October this year-- but still), I told her I wanted a Fontanini nativity. I really wanted one that Liesel could play with, but that was still beautiful enough for me too. 

Well, the next day (or a few days after) my mom walked into GCF (Goodwill) and hears one worker says to the other, "Did you put that nativity on the shelf?" My mom, thinking she might as well go check it out since I had just asked, heads to the back of the store. And, as you probably already guessed, there's my nativity. The exact one I had asked for, with Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the stable. For less than $10. 

To me, this was a Christmas miracle; Heavenly Father telling me to teach my children the birth of Christ and center the season on Him. 

And has it made a difference? Well, Liesel brings baby Jesus buttons, Cherrios and hair bows. She wraps him in blankies and carries him in her pocket. And most importantly she knows the story and loves it. 

A Christmas miracle.


Lindsey said...

Tender! I love it.

Jerry said...

Sweetest miracle ever! And I love that Liesel is bringing the baby Jesus hair bows. What a sweet, thoughtful girl!

gc.hatch said...

I'm so happy I could be the answer to your prayers! It really was a miracle considering how expensive that set is and how improbable I would find one at goodwill! It makes me so happy that Liesel is learning the real story of Christmas through that precious!!