Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How could I not?

How could I not take 1 million photos of these cuties?

Skied with Brian today. It snowed last night and all morning and the road up the mountain wasn't plowed. We eventually couldn't go any farther, so we ended up skiing on the road and up a different canyon. Skiing is hard work. My thighs seriously feel like they're on fire (probably because I'm a terrible skier), but I LOVE it. Being outside with Brian makes me so happy. Leslie watched all three kids for us. Such a blessing to have someone like that. You'd think all moms would want to swap to maintain sanity, hobbies, romance in their marriage etc-- but it's hard to find.  
Hannah and Felicity both went to bed at 5:30pm with slight fevers. I had to leave mid-toast and split pea soup to put them down. This meant an FHE lesson with just Liesel. She was on cloud 9 getting all the attention from mom and dad and insisted on sitting between both of us.

We worked on taxes today. There is something so satisfying about organizing your finances. It's quite a bit of work going through my business and figuring out miles, receipts, childcare etc. but it's rewarding.

Brian and his buddies decided to counter our girls-only-bookclub with a boys-only-guys night. There have been two activities so far: a polar bear swim where they chainsawed a hole into the frozen lake and jumped into the 33* water. The video is hilarious and Brian came home pretty darn happy. They watched Guardians of the Galaxy on the other BOSSE (which stands for something like Boys Sophomoric Exploits?). Their next activity will be a bomb-fire. Make small bombs (nothing illegal) and throw them into the fire. Hmmmm. Sounds more exciting than book club. 

Made Indian food on Sunday and invited two families over from the ward: the Olsens and the Clarks. There were like 10 kids here. The Clarks have two boys, 13 and 8-years-old. I thought they would be miserable with all of the younger kids but they totally just played. The 13-year-old was King and they made a jail. L got thrown in because she refused to bow to the king. She later confessed she cried and another girl let her out-- but even with this little episode, she still declared it, "the funnest night EVER!" The girls were so wired after playing that they stayed up for another 1.5hrs laughing in bed. It was a great night. 

I've been enjoying a lot of little things lately:
giving baths 
Hannah's squishy little hugs
Felicity's nursing sessions that are now so few and far between 
peed in beds at night and little voices that come to tell me
jumping on the trampoline
Brian coming home from work
watching Felicity eat dirt and crawl around the yard
Liesel getting off the bus each day with her giant grin
making something new for dinner
the chance to think when it's quiet
Chicken's that have produced eggs all winter

I finally got around to taking 5, 3 and 10-month-old portraits of the girls. 

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