Thursday, April 21, 2016

Want some cheese with that whine?

I have about 10 minutes until the photos I'm exporting are finished. 

I've been working every single night since my first wedding in March with the exception of Sundays and one night last week when I stayed for the whole Broadway production. Without him around to help me catch up on days off or after work, I have to sit at this screen every second I can steal. I put the kids down and walk straight into the office to work until 10:30 or 11:00pm. Answering emails, editing, blogging etc. I'm not trying to whine, but I guess I am. I thought babysitters would be easier to come by but I've realized two things: 1) younger babysitters don't have the confidence or ability to watch 3 kids and 2) They can't take the kids anywhere so with me trying to work in the office, I really don't get anything done if there is a sitter here. I still have to do everything I normally would and I'm interrupted constantly. 

Took the kids hiking up Millcreek this afternoon. 

Then we got ice cream for cones after dinner. I bought meatballs for the first time in my life so I could make spaghetti without doing anything but boiling and warming. 

Felicity has been throwing hilarious fits all day. Arching her back, and rolling around fussing. Hannah is jealous of Felicity and isn't very nice to her. I will hear Felicity start screaming, but Hannah won't own up to anything. Ugh. 

I miss weekends. There's no such thing as a weekend without Brian. 

Well, times up.