Thursday, December 13, 2007

Marching with the rythym of dreams

This might be too good to pass up. So last night (or really early this morning) I had a dream. A colorful strange dream. I was in the shower and the tub and the entire room was full of about a foot or two of water. There was a foot-long brightly colored salamander and a foot long brightly colored frog. An extra large cicada. A spider. A may Fly. I was trying to avoid them all because I desperately needed to wash my hair-- but they were all coming closer.

A call for interpretation? Maybe a representation of small and large exams approaching? Or perhaps the spirits of the poor animals that I sacrificed for disection or bug collections have come back to haunt me? Or maybe trying to balance one foot out of the shower (b/c of my huge blister) has left a bitter taste in my mind.

1 comment:

Mary Grace said...

well, in my opinion, you have a lot of big and maybe not enticing things coming your way, but you have to accept that they are coming, and learn to live with thm, or die. like, get squashed. like a big bug.
or maybe you should get a pet.