Friday, January 11, 2008

Olive Oil and The Grand Canyon

Me hiking on the Tonto trail before we dropped the last 1000 feet to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Brian and I doing our early morning yoga stretches (we really did) at our first campsite.

Brian making hot cocoa in the morning.

We found this sweet beanie on the Chilkoot this summer-- I think it's B's new fav.

We camped next to Granite Rapid (you can't really see it), but it was roaring all night! That night it was so windy-- I think half the sand you see in the picture ended up in my mouth, ears and eyes that night.

Monument Rock-- this place was like an oasis. . .it was so green and beautiful!

This is actually just starting out-- the day we hiked out it snowed and rained like crazy.

This is Brian on Olive Oil-- a 5-pitch route in Las Vegas on New Year's day.

Me following. . .it was so cool!

at the top. . . not a bad way to use my new Christmas climbing helmet!


Jerry said...

Woah! What an amazing way to ring in the new year! The Grand Canyon looked incredible and the rock climbing just looked really scary. I'm glad, though, that you have the gear to go together now. And glad that ya'll are liking Flagstaff!

William Cobb said...

hey those are awesome pictures and it looks like you guys are having a blast!

Catherine said...

Wow, Ang & Bry! Those photos are awesome. I'm so jealous! It looks like such a beautiful hike! ps: What is a 5 pitch climb?

love you!

Leslie said...

wow- how fun!! way to live it up newly weds! we miss you already!