Monday, January 14, 2008


First day of training today as NAU's 15th class in the Park Ranger Training Program. So far I'm impressed - Good director, well known instructors, sharp classmates. I was called by canyonlands and will probably be offered a job there on thursday as a frontcountry/backcountry law enforcement ranger. So it looks like Angela and I will be off to Canyonlands next summer!



j:) said...

canyonlands cool!! I applied for a job there to...but no dice, bummer. Um, and in answer to angela's question on my blog...I was in Provo canyon.

j:) said...

also, my talk isn't until the week after next.

Catherine said...

YAY for exciting news! I'm glad you're enjoying the program there so far, Brian. That's great that Canyonlands is going to work out!!!

Mary Grace said...

love the pics! and the stories! congrats on the job.
i bet you are loving that air hockey. haha. miss you guys!!!!

kori said...

hey, like the new blog!