Slayfest; noun: To drop multiple epic powder lines on backcountry skis while talking in a limited and slurred skier bum bro-brah/surfer style language and vocabulary including words like "dude", "sick", "gnar", "slay", "whoa", "epic", "powder", "snorkel", "burly", "broseph", etc...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
our baby is a genius
Here's proof she already rolls over:

Okay, it was a total accident (check out the stunned look on her face). I was trying to document how high she lifts her head during tummy-time and she totally tipped . . . but I'm pretty sure before long she'll be beating Brian at chess and editing my blog posts. Last night watching her big eyes watch mine I found myself wishing this would all slow down a bit.
Okay, it was a total accident (check out the stunned look on her face). I was trying to document how high she lifts her head during tummy-time and she totally tipped . . . but I'm pretty sure before long she'll be beating Brian at chess and editing my blog posts. Last night watching her big eyes watch mine I found myself wishing this would all slow down a bit.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Brian just called Liesel the mayor of Cuteville.
First place winner at the cute fair.
Labeled with a sticker that says cute.
If you were a ticket on the airplane it would be cuteclass.
In the city paved with cute.
If you were a country in the former Soviet Union you'd be Cuteastan.
I draw the line with that one.
Frank (Brian's dad) came to visit us this week. He lives in Hawaii and is about to take a job north of the Arctic Circle (no roads to it or from it-- yikes) so it was nice to get to see him. We spent our days in National Parks (shocker) hiking around. We hiked Courthouse Wash in Arches and witnessed serious beaver destruction, ice highways and sunshine.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Baby Blessing Weekend
This past weekend was Liesel's baby blessing. It was SUCH a great weekend; Brian's family made it down (mom, Matt and Sarah) and so did Lindsey from my side of the fam. It was a great blessing and Liesel was an angel for the whole thing. Our friends Clay and Leslie came too-- it's so great to have friends in the area (esp. when my family lives too far to come). I can't get over how much I love little Liesel. She's 7 weeks today and will smile so much! The picture above was taken at church right after her blessing.

My mom made this amazing dress for her. I know the pictures below look a little like Liesel is flying (they kind of remind me of those quick frame photos where they drop a cat in front of a black screen until it lands on it's feet), but it shows how beautiful the dress is.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
the comedian

We took Liesel to church on Sunday. She graced the entire congregation with her talents: a wail/snort (her offical cry-- she litterally snorts super loud with every breath) when it was totally silent, letting out some WICKED gas in relief society and performing the cross-eyed stare (shown above) anytime someone asked "let me see your baby!"-- It may not have been the mental picture I had (sweet baby resting in my arms recieving "ooos" and "ahhs" and flashing her adorable smile to strangers) but at least she makes me laugh.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Here lies the master of the house. And she couldn't have more willing subjects, I might add.
So this little doll and the whole lot of us had a wonderful holiday. Brian's mom, grandma, brother Matt and Sister Sarah all came to our place for the holiday.
Christmas morning. Liesel had to miss it since she was sleeping. I don't think that will ever happen again.
Homemade Horchata from our Mexican Feast. Brian's family has a tradition of making a foreign feast for Christmas and mine has a traditional meal. This year we did both (traditional on Christmas eve and Mexican on Christmas day). Both were superb.
Christmas Eve-- everyone getting ready to chow.
We spent some time in Arches (Brian just can't get enough); on Christmas day we toured the park with his grandma who had never been. Matt and I jumped over Balanced Rock. It was sweet.
a very Delicate viewpoint.
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