You know that girl who came to school in tight jeans and boots with tassles? Who knew all the cuts of meat from a cow and washed her hair with "Mane and Tail" and didn't brush it very well? Who threw out words like Lippizanar, Morgan and Arabian? Who read the "Thoroughbred" series and had a thousand plastic horses coated in thin velvet? Yeah. After 20 years I still sometimes find myself wishing that were me.
I had no idea you were into horses! You could probably still get the shampoo and quit brushing your hair.
It was always so interesting growing up with a horse girl.
You need to go to my Aunt Di's house in Eagle when you go to the Teton's this summer. You could ride her horses! And, um, you are that girl, only cooler. You just rode horses in a ranger uniform instead of in tight pants and tassel boots!
You are funny, Ang. I never knew you had an affinity for tight jeans and horse shampoo. Who would have guessed?
I don't know how I missed your last several posts, but this one cracked me up. Totally Angela.
Hmmm... yup, I think you've got me. I may not have worn clothes with tassels, but during my "horse phase" I rocked the half-combed braid or ponytail every day, could name dozens of breeds, owned a Shetland pony named Skeeter for a while, and read nearly every Saddle Club and Pony Pal and Louis L'amour book out there. The wallpaper in my bedroom had horses on it and I drew them constantly in school.
I can totally see you as "the horse girl"! :P
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