Willingly hike 15 miles with me (and stand guard while I nurse).

Manage to get more laughs out of Liesel than anyone else.

Offer to pull the bike trailer every 10 minutes for 4 hours.
Must include jumping pictures.
Say yes to cranberries, coleslaw and banana peppers on the same sandwich.
Defy death by sleeping indoors (I'd scream at 5am if this landed on my face too). Defy death by sleeping outdoors ("narrowly escaped" getting eaten by a bear in her sleep). Defy death by walking across a snow slope, looking at a moose off the front porch and getting a mosquito bite the size of a quarter in the middle of your forehead.
Include phrases like "gurl, the back of yo head is ridiculous." into regular conversation.
Eat ice cream. . . every day.
Taking kissy-pictures with dead wild animals is an absolute girls-night-out-on-the-town must.
Learn new words like Steri-pen and Teewinot. And introduce Brian to the world of Chuck Norris jokes.
Bust out with the Lion King theme song at every appropriate opportunity.
Willingly go on hike #2-- until you realize it is 4 miles uphill, in the heat, with a crying baby. . . again.
Indulge my inner-hippie. Yes, I made that with illegal park flowers-- but I'm pretty sure daisies are non-native.
Then channel your inner Anne Geddes (you know, that lady that takes the creepy pictures of naked babies dressed as cabbages or insects?)
Dress like twinners, provide constant company for me while Brian works 16 days straight and give us our first date night (HP-7 baby!) since the last Harry Potter 8 months ago.
I may or may not have cried the night before Lindsey's scheduled departure. I may or may not have convinced her to change her shuttle ticket. I may or may not sink into depression after she moves thousands of miles away (along with Sarah, Emily and Catherine) and leaves me sister-less. I'm gonna miss my Lindsey.
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS and you Angie pie! I will miss me some hays...hard core. I especially like the little collages you made...how did you do that??
what fun pictures. sisters are the best!
LOVE IT!!! I see a little bottom TOOTH in the picture of Liesel wearing the daisy band -- cutest girl! These are seriously the BEST PICTURES ever! I love how you tinted some and the angles are incredible. You are both amazing photojournalists. Best of all, so much fun sister time! Also wondering how you did the collages?
This post makes me really want to hang out with you, or hang out with Lindsey, I can't tell. PS, did you two trade clothes after the first few pictures? Well, with all your sisters far away, you're going to have to rely on your adopted ones for a bit. I'm happy to step in anytime, hermana amida. How about this: I have a pending job the first week of August... if it pulls through, maybe I'd have a bit of cash to visit near the second week of August. Shoot dang, kid. I need to call you. I'm in California this week - maybe during the long drive through the desert? (Or maybe later, because my Mom will be in the car and she knows how broke I am) ;) .... to be continued.
This brought tears to my eyes! Beautifully written and a beautiful tribute to your sister. One of the greatest relationships to have. Thanks for a beautiful post.
Love the daisy pick. What a cutie!
I saw these on Lindsey's facebook and it took me a minute to figure out that you had switched clothes. I saw a profile of Lindsey with Liesel biting her hat and I thought, "holy cow! Ang looks so much like Lindsey in this photo!!" Then I saw the next one from the front and figured it out... hahaha
Still working on the August/September thing...we have to pull it off!
Wow, if I saw this post and didn't have any sisters, I would totally feel like my life was incomplete. What a sweet tribute to a great sister. And it looks like you guys had so much fun!! I did some calculations, though, and it looks like if all five of us save just $12/month, then we could cover the cost to have a sisters weekend every year. How fun would that be??
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