Wednesday, September 28, 2011

good grief.

Happiness is:

1. Carhartt overalls-- virtually impenetrable and they almost never need washing (and there's none of that low-rise-muffin-top baring when you wear overalls)
2. swimming outside when it's almost October
3. Eating a BLT
4. biking to the grocery store in perfect weather
5. sitting in the skychair with L and her adorable gummy smile
6. nap time
7. watching Liesel turn pages in books
8. eating lentil soup
9. post-alarm-early-morning-procrastinate-waking-up-snuggle
10. weeding 


sNick said...

Amen to all of the above.

Catherine said...

Just caught up on your blog posts and it made me miss you lots, lots. I love the way you write and think and perceive life...your blog is full of the joys of life. Love you!

Mary Grace said...

love it all. except weeding. but you forgot best friends and bike riding. okay maybe i should just make my own list. either way, i still love your blog. its my favorite and the only one i look at besides my own :)

Lindsey said...

I agree most strongly with #3 (YES, BLT's), 4 (jealous of your biking adventures), 5 (miss your baby), 6 (since WHEN do you nap!?? No for real..), 7 (also on my top 10), 9 (I love snuggling with myself.). But you forgot the following: 11. jumping pictures 12. your sister Lindsey xoxo

Angela said...

Not MY nap time silly. . . LIESEL's nap time. My time to chill sans baby.