Friday, September 16, 2011

I would bike 6,000 miles

Meet B-rad and Mary. 
They started biking in Maine in May. They showed up at my house by bike. These two are some of the most likable people on the planet. We've spent some quality time together; I narrowly missed barfing in their car due to dryer-sheet induced pregnancy sickness (I barfed in mine instead), spent my first trip to Indian Creek with Mary and Brian (and Mary put my fears to rest when I was worried Brian liked another girl), spent every waking hour with her for 6-weeks on Spring Summit, cleaned apartments at BYU with her and spent her bachelorette party biking the White Rim. We're going to be friends for life.

Their home-sweet-home outside our home-sweet-home.

We had a mini college reunion with Kori, Sven, Brenna, Brad and Mary. 

Everyone is slowly pairing up and getting married. . . now if we could only convince them to have kids!

This tan line is totally for real. I guess this is what happens if you bike 6,000 miles? They just finished their trip in SLC, Utah and are moving up to Alaska for who knows how long (*sigh). 

For Brian's birthday we made pizzas on the grill. A new love. We repeated it for these guys along with chocolate chip cookies and we could all barely move afterward.

PS: Brian's on the Saddle for the night. It's raining. Liesel's asleep. It feels like fall. A wolf was staring me down across the creek on my hike today. I'm staying inside tonight.  I had a plain hotdog and peas for dinner (about-to-move-use-up-the-food dinner). Yes, the title of this blog is a shout-out to that stellar song by the Proclaimers.


sNick said...

I knew it.

Allison said...

There's wolves in the Tetons? It was okay with me that they were in Yellowstone, but somehow it's scarier that they are where you live.

emily marie said...

I made grilled pizzas the other night! They are soo so good! Lots of veggies and cheese... now I want one. Also, that picture of L with that bow/african head thing is ADORABLE!

Mary Grace said...

thanks for the shout out ang!!! we WILL be friends for life, you are one of my favorites :) and your pictures are way better than mine so maybe i will steal some. i miss you. come through utah soon so we can see you again!!!! love you