Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Season's Last Hoorah

The hike up took probably twice as long since I couldn't stop gorging on these babies-- wild ripe huckleberries. They were the biggest I've ever seen! I ate so many I wasn't even hungry for lunch. 

The day after I got back from NC (and after sleeping for 12 hours-- did I mention Liesel finally started sleeping through the night?), I decided to join Brian for his patrol up South Fork of Cascade Canyon and then down Avalanche Canyon. I had never been in either of these areas, but had always wanted to explore them. The length of the hike (20 miles total) made it too long for one day+baby and Avalanche Canyon is a little more confusing (not a marked or maintained trail) for me to do alone. 

The hike up was amazing. I saw two huge moose (check out the rack on the bull in the photo), ate tons of berries and Liesel was the typical celebrity-- smiling and flirting with everyone we passed. And in true Teton fashion-- the trail was both longer and steeper than I was expecting. I should note that Liesel has learned to stand up on the hip straps of my pack and grab my hair. I kept laughing while saying "no!" so I don't think she got the message. 

We met Brian at the cache and Liesel got to hang out with daddy (or should I say daddy got to hang with Liesel) for the first time in two weeks! 

I'm not gonna say it. Okay, I have to say it. The wildflowers were AMAZING. 

Even more amazing is how adorable this little girl is. Holy cow, how do you choose just one of these photos? 

Liesel was up at 5:45am rolling around the tent, talking and playing with zippers. 

No oatmeal for us. Brian cooked up eggs, sausage, string cheese and toast. I love waking up in the mountains with the sun shooting through the peaks and onto the valley floor. It makes you feel alive.  Which is good, since eating an entire package of sausage in less than 14 hours makes you feel like you're going to have a heart attack.

My bruised hips were in need of a break and since hardly anyone hikes up Avalanche divide and into the canyon, Brian hauled Liesel for the day. That is the Grand and Middle Tetons in the photo-- we're on the back side (or west side) of the mountains. 

Us at Snowdrift Lake with The Wall behind us. 

On top of the divide with Kit and Snowdrift Lakes behind me. The trail ends here on the divide, so you just pick your route for the next 5 miles until you connect with a social trail further down canyon. Mt. Whister and Veiled peaks are behind me.

Shoshoko Falls bellow Taminah Lake. 

More moose. So many moose. 

Our only break was right here. A quick socks off, shoes off, shirts off and cool off. Then the last 5 mile slog through (and over) the trees. One of the most beautiful backpacks I've ever been on. Here's to you, Tetons, for another amazing season. Just 10 days left! 


Gabriella said...

Those are awesome pictures, what a beautiful place and baby!

Leslie said...

you are a backpacking queen! i'm super impressed. and...sleeping through the night? Congrats! I would pay serious money for 12 hours of sleep.

Sarah said...

I think that picture of Liesel kissing (maybe eating) a daisy is my all-time favorite! Actually, I really just love all her pictures in this post--her beanie matches the purple and pink wildflowers, she's with her awesome parents, and she is beautiful!

Catherine said...

Wow!! You were right. This post totally made me wish I didn't sit in traffic everyday. What an AMAZING backpacking trip! Seriously the prettiest pics ever. Those peaks and wildflowers are absolutely breathtaking. Love the ones of Liesel, too... that girl has the BEST baby pics!

Lindsey said...

Daaaang girl. Why did you not take me on this hike when I visited you? I am going to guess that you would say it was because I would've complained the whole way. But in my defense, I would not have complained if you had suggested it on the first day of fat camp instead of the last. Just sayin.

But for real. GORGEOUS. It makes me miss you so much! Seriously. And Liesel too. You are getting some really really awesome baby pictures of her and she will thank you twenty years. LOVE THEM. She is so so so cute. I miss her! Make sure to say my name once a day so she remembers me. k thanks
love youuu!

emily marie said...

When I read "playing with zippers" I laughed out loud! What a little cutie! I love that I'd rather have your photos as my wallpaper than the Official Landscape photos on my computer!

Mickey said...

Great hike. Avalanche does take some practice and the place is lousy with moose (I once had a single bull pace me for several miles up the canyon. We kept running into each other!)

And it's rough!

That kid is going to have the best baby pictures to look at when she's older.

Clay Allred said...

Holy Cow your pictures area amazing!