Tuesday, December 13, 2011

class of '01

Brian and I graduated the same year-- June 2001. He was making his valedictorian speech on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in front of the El Tovar and I was walking with 400 other students into Cameron indoor stadium (Duke University's basketball stadium) ready to throw my cap and say goodbye to JHS. It has been 10 years since then (?!) and my reunion was a few weeks ago.  While I din't make it, I did pause for a minute to think back. 

I remember singing to Tim McGraw and Alabama in Zak's jeep. I remember developing black and white photographs in the dark room. I remember writing for the Falcon's Cry (the school paper) and eating doughnuts in the library over production weekend. I remember getting a red card on the soccer field. I remember reading Candid, Cold Mountain, 1984, The Inferno and The Merchant of Venice in Ms. Kopeck's class. I remember singing with Cath in our auditorium. I remember talking to Rachael Miller every minute of every lesson every Sunday. I remember fighting for my rights on student council. I remember making a fake lunch pass for off campus to save $10-- and almost getting suspended after getting caught. I remember eating my moms homemade sandwiches every day. I remember wishing I could trade places with my sleeping cat while waking up for seminary. I remember being scared of Byron Martin. I remember almost every detail of Erin Barr's room. I remember fighting with my sisters about clothes. I remember Seesaw Studio, the giant fish painted on the wall and the hours of art projects.  I remember laughing hysterically with Will Jeck in the middle of Chemistry. I remember my hip hop dance class after school.  And I remember being really really really glad when it was all over. 


sNick said...

You look like you're twelve in all of those pictures, and I met you a year and a half later. I recently came across my freshman BYU-I ID and I look like I'm twelve as well. Did we both look like we were twelve when we first met?

Erin Barr said...

wow...I'd completely blocked out Byron Martin...I also remember getting up even before you got up for seminary to fill your car with cake and balloons on your 18th birthday. It's when I learned that the Durham Walmart was no longer open 24 hours. I remember going to Pepper's with you and Zak at least once a week. I also remember walking into graduation rehearsal late and you having to sit all the way in the back in order to participate because we missed your row. hahaha. And I also remember being SO GLAD to be done but so sad that you were leaving for Idaho so soon... :-( Remember your going away party at Cosmic? "Drunk on dreams, high on life"

Lindsey said...

So THAT is why you wanted me to send you those pictures....I knew there was another motive besides wanting to cut your mane.