look at that fuzz on her head! It's getting longer. I love to rub my face on it. |
boo-yah |
Right a home. Seriously. This girl would play on the rocks and in puddles all day. Oh. . . that's right. She does. |
baby buns-- i had to do it |
Hannah making sure those are all beef organic patties// waving and dancing to daniel tiger's neighborhood/ climbing over Liesel and incurring the wrath of a 2-year-old (it scares me . . . ) |
Happy stormy soaking baby// she has consumed way too much mud. |
hannah about to wipe a handful of mud in her hair. Liesel was still asleep so somebody had to do it. |
(she's actually 11 months tomorrow, so I'm a little behind-- but at least the photos at the top were taken on the 10 month mark).
Nah-nah! My little sweet pea. She kills me. I look at her and want to burry my face in her chub and never come up again. She's so cute. Speaking of that chub, her fat suit has been slowly disappearing! She was born with a little grapefruit for a head and now it is slowly thinning out. That can only mean one thing: hannah is growing up. It's true.
She crawls everywhere and occasionally stands but isn't too interested in walking yet. She can understand simple phrases like, "can I have a kiss?" "can I have a hug?" "no." (she shakes her head). This is usually after she bites me. "yes!" (nods her whole body) Right at 10 months I noticed her playing more maturely- she would put all the rocks she could find in one sand hole. Or she would try and put hats on or shoes by pressing them on her head and feet. She loves to terrorize Liesel. She'll push over towers and destroy carefully placed tea parties.
When she doesn't like a food she swipes everything on her tray off or she'll pick it up one by one, lean over and watch it drop on the floor. She loves milk. I started weaning her off one feeding (4pm) a day and giving her whole milk right around 10.5 months (after I looked at formula and the first ingredient was milk, then oil, then sugar-- forget that!) She loves to feed herself with her bottle. I love watching her do it! It's adorable.
She is so good at turning on the tears. If Liesel takes a toy away (which happens 1000x a day) she sounds like she broke her leg. Right now she just woke up and is laughing with Liesel. They genuinely love each other despite the constant toy battles.
And she needs me so no more time to write about all her milestones and personality traits. Good thing she's 11 months tomorrow. :)
So cute!
I so love miss Hannah Bo Bannah Bop!!! Esp love that toothy little grin and the peach fuzz hair! I could eat her up!!! LOooove it.
That peach fuzz is to die for! LOVEIT!
I LOVE those first three pictures! So CUTE! And she has two teeth now. I remember 10 month old babies. It's the age when they can hug you and melt your heart! I'm happy that Liesel and Hannah love each other inspite of the little squabbles.
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