Friday, January 18, 2008

What to teller. . .

So I can't start my job until January 28th. I'll be working at WElls Fargo as a bank teller. I can't say that the idea of working at a bank and using words that feel to me like swearing (like "investment" or "time value of money") is the most thrilling feeling. But I need a job desperately! It is one of the highest paying jobs in the area and has benefits (like health insurance). I am VERY excited to be busy again. I have had too much vacation and it's starting to get to me. I was talking to Cath yesterday and I was actually jealous of her homework. It's not all bad, though. I have honed my domestic goddess skills (although I did cook the turkey with the neck still in. . whoops), and I made granola and cracked wheat in little bags to sell to the neighbors, but after realizing I would have to charge them $6.00 for 3 cups, I opted against it. Bry and I went on a killer fun cross country ski trip last weekend to the lava tubes. It was an absolute blast.


Mary Grace said...

oh angela! wells fargo is MY bank! haha you can so hook me up. not sure how...
anyhoo, i would pay $6.00 for your granola and cracked wheat. i love that stuff like crazy. and yes- we must meet in moab soon. i will let you know :)

Fern said...

I don't understand...You start the job at the BANK on the 28th or you work at the bank UNTIL the 28th? I'm going to assume you start at the bank on the 28th. Hey, benefits are nothing to be ashamed of, and my mom put my dad through college as a bank teller (and a few other odd jobs).
Have you tried getting the ingredients for your granola and such from the church cannery? You can't beat their prices! *said with a thumbs up and large toothy smile*

Catherine said...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud...boiled a poor turkey with it's head on...

ps: I would buy granola from you for $6 a bag if I were your neighbor! (unless I saw your stinkin' huge house!)