Thursday, December 2, 2010

More Liesel

First outfit - we're still figuring out how to wrestle her into clothes. Mom is showing us the ropes.

Got milk? (notice the ring)

Sleepy. This is like 3am in the hospital.

The fam.


Ivy Chatwin said...

Awwwwww! Congratulations! She is so adorable - and I love her name :)

Jerry said...

Oh my, I LOVE all the pictures!! I'm so impressed you got them up so quickly! Liesel is so pretty! What a beautiful little girl you have! I wish we were close enough to love her in person! Congratulations to all of you! So happy she arrived safely to such a wonderful family! Love you all!

Pete said...

Zyla can't wait to go on 50 mile backpacks with Liesel. Congrats to you two. You are going to be great parents!

Katie said...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful and has a lovely name!

Fern said...

She's too adorable for words! Does little Liesel have a middle name yet? I sure hope you post (or email me, pretty please?) the birth story. I'm dying to hear about it. Congratulations to the MAX!

sNick said...

My heart is melting. Please keep posting pics. I'm already in love with her.

Crystal Despain said...

Oh congrats! She is beautiful! Love Love Love the name!

Clay Allred said...


Lindsey said...

Love love love love love love love the pictures. And little Liesel. She is just so beautiful.
PS you guys look GREAT in the family pic, by the way.

Jaimi said...

Oh, she's beautiful, you guys!!! CONGRATS!!! We are so, so excited for you. I can't believe you've posted pictures already.....we're highly impressed. Keep 'em coming!!!

Rachael said...

Congratulations you two! Give her a kiss for me. I can't wait to meet her in person! I love the name Liesel. I think it suits her and both of you!

Catherine said...

I love the family pic! Especially all of your expressions. I think my favorite of Leisel so far is the one taken at the hospital at 3am...she looks so heaven-sent and happy.