Welcome to Yellowstone: the world's first National Park (under some debate). We never made it up to Yellowstone last year, but this year we decided there couldn't be a better time to visit than during Memorial day-- for real. It was a forecast called for a blizzard and the park was pretty empty compared to what it usually is. I forgot how cool this place is (the last time I was here was 2003 for a 6 day backpack). Yellowstone boasts the world's largest geysers, the most geysers, boiling mud, huge waterfalls, bison, wolves, bear, the most remote (meaning farthest from any road) wilderness areas in the lower 48, hot springs, warm rivers, freezing temperatures and the freakiest death stories ever (death by being gored by a bison? Eaten by a Grizzly? Boiled by a hotpot? SICK)!
We met up with some friends from our ward in Moab and Sven's wife, Brenna (although we didn't take any pictures with them. . .whoops).

On our way up to Yellowstone; the snow in the valley at Grand Teton is just about gone (but the peaks are still loaded).

Once we were in Yellowstone there were 6ft-10ft walls on the road side. This photo doesn't do it justice. Everywhere around here is 250% of normal snow pack.

First stop was Old Faithful Lodge for a quick feed Liesel/go to the bathroom/change diaper break. I love this lodge-- built in 1904, its rustic, huge and beautiful and feels a little haunted. This is one of the lanterns hanging in the hallway and it was pretty fitting seeing that there was a mama Grizzly and her two cubs on the road side on the way home!

I was pretty jazzed to find Infant Geyser (that's why I'm pointing at the sign). Our infant was more interested in her jacket.

I don't know why, but I kind of thought that Old Faithful was the only geyser that went off often, but we saw about 10 sputtering and spewing steaming, smelly liquid.

In front of Saphire pool. This one was our favorite and it was HUGE. We only saw like 1/10th of the park (if that). Our next trip will be for John and Mindy's wedding (B's friend from High School) getting married in the Park in August. Can't wait!