Saturday, August 20, 2011

Basecamp Manager

I debated trying to pretend I have a life tonight by avoiding Facebook and blogging, but the fact is that it feels more productive than watching a movie, I want to sew but I'm afraid the machine will wake up L-train and our plans for taking out the boat and having a dinner picnic got squashed when Brian got called on another SAR a few minutes after he got home (4th one in 6 days--, he got to shorthaul someone yesterday!). This time, it's two broken legs on a ledge on the Snaz in Death Canyon. He was flown in and will probably be there all night. So here I am. Hello Blogger. After getting all of his gear ready (food, water, sleeping bag, backpack etc) it really segues nicely to my fourth and final post about my work: taking care of my man and my girl. This includes:

Trying to beat Liesel in a push-up contest.  Okay, not really-- but it does include waking up a few times a night (or like 5 lately) to re-swaddle, sooth, feed and endure. Then I get up between 6:30-7:00 and feed her, do the dishes I couldn't do last night b/c she was asleep,  get breakfast ready for B and I and get him out the door. 

Then we get her b-fast ready. Feed her solids-- she is really perfecting her pincer-grasp as seen above and loves eating pea-sized pieces of bread.

Then I stare at her rolls. Blow raspberries. Make funny faces. By this time she's been up an hour and is ready for bed b/c she spent 1.5 hours crying last night and that was exhausting. This is my chance to shower, read scriptures, tinker on the internet and plan the day. 

When she wakes up, typically we'll either go for a jog, head to town for groceries/errands or pack up for a hike and do something out in the park.
While we're out, she stares lovingly at strangers. Somewhere in there was nap #2, making lunch, feeding her lunch, nursing her twice, sweeping and mopping, doing the dishes, making dinner (sometimes), reading books, playing outside and trying to teach Liesel how to crawl. 
By around 4pm, Brian comes home and then the chaos begins. It's feed, bathe, dress, read a story, nurse, bedtime all while dinner needs to be made or baked and she's fussy and tired. Welcome home B. But really he loves it and she is so ready for him by that time. She goes to bed between 6:30-7pm. Then the party begins. Kidding . . . 

(Her new favorite pastime is turning off the light while taking a bath)

Now that I feel slightly more justified in not having a full time job, I'll go back to posting about only the fun things we do.


Allison said...

Go Liesel! She's on the cusp of crawling. Then life as you know it will change. Love all the posts lately.

Lindsey said...

Chubster is gettin pretty cute there!!!!!!!

j:) said...

Hey Angela :) I just spent the past who knows how long reading a ton of your posts I missed. It's soo beautiful there. I love the pictures and I know you already know this but I think you're soo good at writing. And good job for working at a daycare. I also find things in bulk creepy. Like when we sometimes have over 100 live mice stored in one room waiting for their last great adventure. I did think your pictures of the kittens were cute though. Anyways, this is turning more into an emal than a comment so I'll go. Liesel is growing soo much. I hope I get to see you guys soon. Miss you.

Lindsey said...

A- ps. Does Liesel's swimsuit come in adult sizes? Cause I would totally wear it. pps. check my blog! I think you'll think my posts are funny. because they are. xoxo

The Gerharts said...

I love these posts about your work managing Hays, Inc.! Can't believe how much lil' L is up at night tho. Wow. I think I'd be napping every spare minute =) I'm amazed at all you manage to do and find time to hike, jog, etc! BTW, that pic of L in front of the Tetons in your last post is my favorite ever! Can you email it to me?

Emily said...

Wow, Ang, I don't know how you do it all - and most of it noiselessly since L is sleeping. Props to you. And as for "not having a full-time job," I am wholeheartedly of the opinion that motherhood alone is more exhausting than a full-time job outside the home. I've never done both at the same time, but I'm way more tired after mothering all day than I was after working. By the way, LOVE these posts. I bet you'll look back on them one day and smile.

Logan said...

love your posts. you are an awesome mom!