Saturday, August 6, 2011

how do you spell camping?

 n-o-s-l-e-e-p.  Kidding. Sort of. If I could have curbed my semi-conscious nightmares (Liesel being suffocated by sleeping bags. Liesel rolling all over the tent. Liesel's eyeballs freezing) then I actually would have gotten a great sleep since L only woke up once. All-in-all, we had an awesome time backpacking to Holly Lake in Paintbrush canyon (6.5m up). Check out the view from our campsite (above).
 I know I can't go a post without mentioning the wildflowers. Enough already. But seriously, I can't help it. I'm addicted to knowing their names, their bloom time and their business. 

Does it still count as backpacking when the tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, pots, pans, stove, utensils, tarps . . . are already there? I think yes. Especially since I'm carrying two days of wet and dry diapers, binkies, baby clothes, my clothes and food. Oh, and a huge baby. 

Brian arrives at Holly Lake. Angela pauses for a photo op. 

I want thaaat. Liesel trying to get in the grub. 

L went to bed at 8pm. Meanwhile B and I ate Thai peanut noodles, lemon herb tea, jumped on snow bridges and watched the sun set on the peaks. 

All things must go in mouth. Sticks? Check. Rocks? Check. Dirt? Check. The really disgusting tarp that's been in the cache since 1988? Check. 

We forgot her beanie, so she had to borrow Brian's. But, DANG that's adorable.

The next morning somebody wanted to be up with the birds at 6:10am. Who can resist that face?

Sunrise looking down canyon.  

We parted ways. A hiked down and B went up: 


Lindsey said...

So cute. What a beautiful view! Do you think I could have handled that hike? Or was it another straight uphill hike? :) Judging by the view, looks like straight up hill.
And was this L's first experience camping? Eppppiiiiiicccc
xoxo !

The Gerharts said...

Gorgeous! I love the sunrise picture! And, of course, ALL pictures of L! You can't post enough of her and you guys look great!

Laura Anderson said...

Those are great pictures. Reading about your mountain escapades makes me long for adventure - the outdoor, hiking kind.

Clay Allred said...

That's super fun!

Leslie said...

That looked so fun. That's perfect baby backpacking! Wish we could've joined you- especially to use all that gear in the cache. I miss you already!

emily marie said...

How do you keep Liesel warm when you're camping?? I love all of these pictures! You are having too much fun!

Mickey said...

I've slept in that tent! That is one of the sweetest spots ever, right?

Allison said...

You rangers. You get to have tents cached for you. Nice. And--these photos are fabulous. What great shots. My favorite is L sprawled out watching her dad pitch the tent. Cutie.