Tuesday, August 16, 2011

laundry day

On my FAQ list here at Lupine Meadows, competing for the #1 spot,  is this: So what do you do? In an attempt to answer this I'm dedicating the next few blog posts to my work. 

Today I would like to introduce you to what is Laundry Day, which exists three days a week (2 days of cloth diapers, 1 day at least of everything else). 

Step 1 requires getting to the laundry room. Juggle laundry and Liesel by reenacting Jenga and then proceed over the river and through the woods (as seen above). Cross dangerous bridge over Cottonwood creek and picture you, your laundry and Liesel falling in. Then picture your panic if that were to happen. Then tell yourself to stop picturing this. Do at least one tap dance a week to avoide a snake slithering right under your feet while yelling "Gross! Gross!" Laugh at yourself for doing this every time. Then you arrive at this: 
(yes, that pink thing in the foreground is a life size replica of a bull's testicles. Have I mentioned Lupine Meadows is a bachelor pad? I love it nonetheless). 

A lovely 1/2 burnt shed known as the Temple (oxymoron maybe?) because the bodies used to wait out the night here until the coroner arrived to pronounce them dead. Charming, ey? Other charming things include the dusting of bat guano (aka poop) on everything (check out the black on the shelf and on the blue toolbox) that I try to blow off the washer before lifting it up. The bats chirp incessantly while there-- reminding you that they've claimed this cave. I can't argue. Upon arriving to the Temple, realize that you forgot your quarters. Pack up Liesel and Repeat steps 1 and 2.

Step 3: Wash clothes. Realize your regular detergent is out. Wash everything in Dreft for babies. Wonder if Brian will notice his uniform smells like baby powder. Notice that you can still identify the peaches and oatmeal on L's bib. After it was washed. Sigh and continue. 

Step 4: Dry clothes in dryer. Pull them out. They're still damp. Debate spending the dollar to dry them again. Decide that you have too many loads and walking down here 10x a day is enough. Repeat the Jenga move and drape damp laundry on cars, chairs, cribs and couches. 

Repeat steps 1-4 for whites, pastels, darks, Liesel's clothes, towels/rags and sheets. This will take the better part of 8 hours. Feel guilty that all you accomplished during the day was the pile of folded clothes on the bed. Wonder if your life is pointless. Decide its not. Reminisce of the joy of having a washer and dryer inside. Wonder if you are the bomb wife. Decide you are. 


Lindsey said...

Haha You are so funny! Although I must say that I did not recognize the replica of the bull's testicles...and if I had...I would have commented on how much it did NOT look like my high school halloween costume of a tomato. Thank you very much.
Miss you xoxo

Leslie said...

Awesome. Man I have it easy. PS- your weekend looked amazing! Love the swimsuit! I need to follow your lead! And I wish I could've been at the dance party.

The Gerharts said...

What a contrast between the first and second/third pictures! This was such an interesting post. And you are definitely the bomb wife.

Allison said...

When I was in that laundry room, Brian pointed to the log beam at the apex of the ceiling where we could see about 24 bat ears poking out. Kind of cute. The guano doesn't smell too good in there. Good thing you have Dreft. I thought before and still think now that you are one upper-crust mom for doing the cloth diaper thing.

kp said...

Every post I read of yours and every picture I see makes me wish my life was a little more like yours. It totally isn't. Thank you for having a post that reminded me I do enjoy having my washer/dryer downstairs and many of the conveniences I have. Those are pretty great, even though you have a much better view out your front window.

Emily said...

First of all, you ARE the bomb wife. Second of all, I toted clothes to the laundromat for seven years post-marriage (and it was a cake walk compared to what you do) and when we finally got a washer/dryer IN our house last year, I thought I had entered heaven. And a year later, I still have that feeling every time I do a load of laundry without the car, without quarters, and ANYTIME of the day. Way to go for working so hard - and know that one day you will OWN a washer and dryer. And you will appreciate it forever!!

Tamara said...

I just have to say I think you are awesome! Reminded me of my days as a new mama when my Grace was L's age, although my trips to the Springdale, UT laundrymat were not nearly the ordeal you described!