Wednesday, October 12, 2011

get out

This week started off with an interesting trip to Indian Creek with Brian, Leslie and babies. It reminded me of when Brian and I were engaged up in Alaska and the universe kept conspiring in our favor-- except the opposite. Not that it was bad, it just wasn't as good as it could have been. But with kids in tow, I've learned that outdoor excursions usually have about a 50/50 success rate. Some of the successes include: backpacking in the Tetons, first trip to Indian Creek and Table Mountain. The top of the fail list is mos-def fording the San Rafel river while holding 5 month old Liesel above our heads and bush-waking Tamarisk for 8 hrs. Didn't hear about that? Yeah, lets not go there. It actually felt amazing to shove my hand into sandstone again and climb 130ft of perfect splitter desert crack. That might sound like jibberish to some of you, but if you've been to The Creek, you know what I'm talking about. 

Now that Brian is at Arches he is sometimes scheduled for the late shift, leaving me a daddy-sitter for much needed time alone. This week I was able to sneak away and mountain bike a new mellow single-track and I LOVED it. And today we went climbing at Wallstreet-- the most kid friendly climbing area in Moab (as long as you can ignore the semi trucks flying by). I did one climb 3x in a row while listening to Brian say over and over: "make your body like iron" in a Schwarzenegger accent.  I so heart Moab in the fall. 


Frank said...

the tamarisk hike was not so much of a failure-as it was just a test of endurance and a grandpa's worry quotient! You guys are great-I can't wait to see what mountains Liesel will be climbing!

Lindsey said...

Hahaha "make your body like iron" so brian. Could totally hear him saying that. ANG the thing you don't realize is that YOU ARE IRON! miss you mucho.

The Gerharts said...

Love your glass half full attitude! Keep it up with Liesel and it will only get easier =)