Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Indian Creek

At the base of the buttress on the way to Supercrack.

Van and Kendra (friends from the Tetons) came into town Sunday afternoon for a blitz trip to Indian Creek (and a pork chop and killer game of Scrabble). I know all of you blog readers have heard about IC and the Hays' obsession with splitter sandstone cracks-- but this place is world famous for how amazing it is. As a matter of fact, we were the ONLY Americans there. Everyone else was either from Europe or Israel. 
The above photo is B leading Supercrack-- a classic line that I had never done until Monday. Wide and exhausting but nothing beats the satisfaction of grunting your way up and smacking the chains (anchor) 120 feet later. 

Liesel watching daddy rap down. 

This is Coyne Crack. This is Brian on Coyne Crack. This is Brian right after (mini) whipping on Coyne Crack. This is Coyne Crack before I spent 30 minutes jamming my way up it. . .whew.  

The group at the base of Anasazi. Check out Liesel chillin' in her tent. She deserves the star award for being the world's best baby while we climbed literally all day. 

Previous Indian Creek inhabitants. With those little hands they were probably sending 5.12s. 

This is why Liesel was the world's best baby. She couldn't get enough of the giant sandbox, bugs and rocks. She was even carrying around an adult fist-sized rock in her mouth while crawling around.

Brian getting a belay on Anasazi. 

Me on Incredible Handcrack. And it was incredible. 

I've never climbed 4 climbs in one day at IC before and I was so dead by the end of the day I could hardly brush my teeth. I figure it's only going to get harder from here (mobile baby with opinions, colder weather . . .etc) so I wanted to take full advantage before I'm climbing vicariously through Brian. 


Clay Allred said...

Wow, your pictures are really great. I wish I was climbing with you...

The Gerharts said...

Wow, those climbs are really incredible! I can't believe you did four in one day. Whew! I have only climbed once or twice in a day and it wears me out. Lil L is so cute! I love how she is SO CHILL! Pretty soon she'll be up on a rock, too =)

Allison said...

I don't see you as a vicarious climber until you're 80. You climbers look awesome. Liesel is a star. IC in the fall--thanks for taking me there for a moment.

Mickey said...

Ditto Allison.

There was a time when I might have read you boasting about four climbs in a day and thought "wimps." And that would have been before I'd ever been to IC.

I think I did three one day and then noticed the sun was going down and I couldn't close my hands.

Your photos, as usual, are beyond amazing.