Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bonding Separation Anxiety:

What one experiences when two or more siblings are in the same location. Without you. And you realize that you live really far away. And you'll never live close to them. And then they'll become bff. . . 

and pose under trees. And take awkward pictures trying to do a heel click. And borrow each other's clothes. And match. And they'll start to look like one another.  
And complain about how the other person is cuter than they are. And they'll eat way too much. And you'll still be miles away wishing they could come over. Because today is rainy and free ice cream day at Kaleidoscoops. And they would have already gone twice by now. sigh*

Disclaimer: I know this is whiny. I love my family and miss them, but I still think my life is the da bomb-- so don't take me too seriously. I wouldn't change anything (except maybe have them move to Moab :) )


Holly Long said...

Ang, I have five sisters and all of them live within @ twohundred fifty miles from each other. A weekly occurence. Glad we could be your substitute sisters today! :-)

Jerry said...

Amen, Ang. And double *sigh* I'm with you.

Lindsey said...

YOU GUYS! Take off this post! I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Just because I recognize the good things about Catherine doesn't mean I don't love all of you & am close to all of you. I love all of my sisters. Plus. You should be happy you are married with kids and progressing in life. It's not a good sign that I have TIME to take dumb pictures and TIME to post about things. I can only do this because I don't have the things that make yalls life beautiful right now...duh. love you. xoxo

sNick said...

I've always that Lindsey and Kathrine look alike, but in those pics, it's down right freaky.

I'll be your substitute sister. I live a lot closer.

Catherine said...

Girrr, don't be gettin' jealous now. If I recall, you did like 3 posts and a bunch of facebook stuff about how tight you and Lindsey are. In all seriousness, you know I love you and would eat that kaleidescope ice cream with you in a heartbeat.