Sunday, November 13, 2011


hike to an arch with Brian. 

climb up a cable with Brian.  wander in the desert with Brian. like it. play Guesstures with the Young Women. eat too much popcorn and pickles. 

play in the leaves with Liesel. bury Liesel in the leaves. watch Liesel eat the leaves. wonder if she's too cold. wonder why babies never seem too cold. 

play at three different parks. swing. slide. crawl. watch kids. go to storytime at the library twice. meet Freeway the story hour library dog. think of Wishbone and how you used to watch that show on PBS when you were too old to be watching that show on PBS. 

do a new hike with Leslie and Owen. have no idea what the mileage is. see lots and lots of deer tracks. talk about classic LDS church movies. eat a pb and j. 

meet a guy on the trail (the only one all day). wants to argue about whether it's an arch or a bridge. change diapers and hike out just as the sun is setting. get a better workout than you bargained for. 

worry that Liesel has a brain tumor. worry that Liesel has a developmental delay. worry that Liesel got bit by a spider. celebrate your anniversary. find out the restaurant is closed. eat delicious Philly Cheese steaks made by B and sundaes. reminiscence for an hour with b. think you're lucky.

dress Brian and Liesel in matching hoodies. project your desires for her future employment with the NPS.

make Liesel laugh. make her laugh some more. think she's amazing. teach her to give high-5s. watch her wave to daddy. laugh at her love for spiral bound books. 

make delicious meatballs. make delicious sauce. clean delicious meatballs and delicious sauce from the wall. from the floor. from the table. from nose, mouth, chin, hands, ears, hair and high chair. 

read "Jacob have I loved." bike to the library and find out it's closed for a meeting. bike to the library the next day and find out it's closed for Veteran's Day. bike to the grocery store and buy something you have never considered previously: Cheez-its with Tabasco. wish you would find an abandoned kitten.
go to craft-night with the girls. make a few amazing onesies with powerlines and tiny skulls. feel inspired and make tons of covered button earrings under the pretense that you will start a business. go to the Saturday session of Stake Conference. go with friends to get banana splits afterward. have your car broken into. write a blog post.


The Gerharts said...

That is a really amazing arch picture. I love the lighting and views. Pretty water/stone on your hike with Leslie! Fun that you got to do a girl craft night! I love the earrings! Love the pictures of Liesel in beautiful fall leaves!

Lindsey said...

I loved reading this post, mostly because it reminded me of visiting you and I could even see you thinking all of those things and then vocalizing them to me. My favorite picture is the one of Liesel with meatball sauce all over her face. She is a DOLL and I miss you too. I love how much you love creating things.

Laura Anderson said...

You guys have some awesome photos on your blog. Maybe your business should be earnings and photography. The Austrian costumes were great, too!

Dan~Alyssa said...

Love this! Wish I was as creative with words as you are! And as crafty too! Cute earrings! What fun adventures except the car broken into part. And I laughed at your PBS wishbone comment haha. I loved wishbone too! :) love our adventures and love that owen and his mom (name?) are insta-buddies for adventures! Hope I find one of those why my turn at mommy hood comes! Also one day when it's more applicable I will have to ask you about cloth diapers and hiking...pack it in/out applies...but how do you do that gracefully while not contaminaing your lunch (also carried in your pack)? Haha you are my hero!

Mary Grace said...

i needed this. i am feeling bored and cooped up and need to start being more interesting. and i will admit, sometimes i wish i could find an abandoned kitten also. or an abandoned leisel, because she is so darn cute i would take her home.

Catherine said...

Wow, girl, you are one productive, chica! I love that you shared your brain with us! :) Too bad the library was always closed. I love the earings. And the fact that you dressed L and B in matching hoodies. L is actually starting to look like she's getting older. Can't believe it. Love you!

Lindsey said...

PS. I LOVE THOSE EARRINGS YOU MADE!! I'll pay you for a few of them...when I get a job....